Source code for komoog.paths

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Path handling

import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
import simplejson as json

customdir = Path.home() / ".komoog"

def _prepare():

    cred_file = customdir / "komoot.json"
    if not cred_file.exists():
        data = {
                    "email" : "",
                    "password" : "",
                    "clientid" : "",
        with open(cred_file,'w') as f:
            credentials = json.dump(data,f)

[docs]def get_credentials(): """ Returns credentials for komoot login in structure .. code:: python { "email" : "", "password" : "", "clientid" : "" } from the file ``~/.komoog/komoot.json`` """ _prepare() cred_file = customdir / "komoot.json" with open(cred_file,'r') as f: credentials = json.load(f) assert(all([ k in credentials.keys() for k in ["email", "password", "clientid"]])) assert(not any([ credentials[k] == '' for k in ["email", "password", "clientid"]])) return credentials
if __name__ == "__main__": get_credentials()